$21.1 (~¥101.3) 单位:盒With echinacea traditionally used in western herbal medicine to reduce symptoms of the common cold and flu.
ArmaForce® Day & Night is a comprehensive formula, combining herbs traditionally used in western herbal medicine (WHM), as well as vitamin C and zinc. Echinacea and elder flower are traditionally used in WHM to reduce the symptoms of the common cold and flu. California poppy aids sleep at night time and is used as an analgesic, according to traditional WHM use. Andrographis decreases the severity of symptoms and restless associated with mild upper respiratory tract infections. Vitamin C and zinc support healthy immune function.Size: 30 Tablets
• · Andrographis reduces the symptoms associated with mild upper respiratory tract infections (URTI), including runny nose, fatigue, restless sleep, headaches and coughs.