$31.9 (~¥145.5) 单位:件A sitz bath is a warm, shallow bath that cleanses and soothes the perineum. It provides relief from pain, itching, haemorrhoids and tears from child birth and labour.After going through labour and having your baby, you are going to be sore, swollen, achey, and may also experience perineal tearing.Why take a Sitz Bath?Soaking in our Sitz tub and using our sitz soak will help relieve constipation, reduce any perineal trauma and swelling, help alleviate itchiness and rid yourself of those pesky haemorrhoids.They're especially recommended for women who have recently given birth vaginally as the temperature of the water used in a sitz bath increases blood flow to the perineal area and promotes faster healing.By sitting in our ergonomic and specially designed tub you can relieve your itchiness as you heal, cleanse yourself effectively and help to ward off infections as you recover from the marathon of pregnancy, labour and childbirth.